Conquer the Mantelpiece this Mother’s Day: Our New Ad

We’re excited to be able to show you our new ad! It’s for Mother’s Day. Have a watch.

Our in-house team of psychologists have told us that it’s 37.2% less irritating that our last ad, and in our book, that’s a win. Nevertheless, we feel it still conveys the following important points:

  • We sell cards
  • The cards are good 
  • Really really really really really good
  • You should give one to your mum, for Mother’s Day
  • If you do, she’ll be delighted, further cementing a healthy parent-child bond
  • If you have siblings, they won’t resent you as such but they’ll wish that they bought their Mother’s Day card from us (thortful)
  • Keep an eye on trends in interior design and make changes from time to time, to keep your living space energising and fresh

Now you’ve seen the advert, our in-house team of psychologists would love it if you could complete a short, incredibly serious survey about your advertising experience. Visit the survey.

Oh, and if you need a Mother’s Day card, you can get the best ones on

– Team thortful